Dealing with Unaccomplished feeling to Have a good night sleep


Here I am again at 2 AM trying to be asleep but I can't. There're many factors I believe have kept me awake most nights. But tonight I know it's a feeling of unaccomplished

I have experienced this countless nights and I know I should stop trying to sleep and get out of bed and accomplish something, that's the way to help me sleep better. And I wonder are you experiencing this as I do? Is there a night you couldn't sleep because your day is so easy and relaxing?

What causes the feeling of being unaccomplished?

I did some research to see how unaccomplished feeling happens to different people I've read many articles and responses from people in forum about their feeling of unaccomplished. Below are 2 frequent and most common causes I found:

  • Comparing oneself to others: this reason seems more on the negative side though some people feel positive and believe they can motivate themselves when compared to successful people.
  • Your to-do list isn't checked: I think I am in this one because I do have a to-do list of every week tasks and when the tasks aren't going well I found myself in this situation, couldn't sleep because I feel I waste lots of time during the day.

How to deal with unaccomplished feelings?

Because I can't sleep so now I get out of bed turn on my computer and search for the solution to deal with my unaccomplished feeling in the hope that I could sleep better. Here is what I found and hope to share with people with the same problems:

  • Don't rush take it easy: we all have dreams we want to make come true but it takes time and some don't have to really come true. Tell yourself you need time to make it happen you don't have to think about it all the time.
  • Breathe in breathe out: Take a deep inhale and exhale and feel the calm of the night and be grateful that you could enjoy nighttime in bed while others are yawning at work. Do the best for yourself sleep well and let tomorrow be tomorrow.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others: a person's happiness is not determined by success to be the version of yourself and enjoy your own life. That's only you could bring yourself the happiness you've dreamed of.
  • Go for it accomplished it: Find out what you want to accomplish today and go for it. Choose an easy task that takes less time first.

Image from pexel a woman sleeping with a smile

3:07 AM and I am now feeling I am accomplishing something now, I have written an article on my blog now so I could sleep feeling I've done something good today. 

To avoid sleepless nights because of unaccomplished feelings I will occupy my days with great activities so I could feel great and tired waiting for a good night's sleep. Hope you do sleep well, Goodnight sleep tight.

Good Old Panda,

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