How to adapt working night shift and sleep well during the day

I used to have panda's eyes as a result of those nights I could not sleep at all. I was worrying if I had insomnia or something and those stress could make things worse. Sleeping at night has become less essential these days as we reach an era of globalization. People could be on the internet interacting with others in different time zone, some are excited by the modern technology in their hands and others are night thinkers that couldn't think well during the day.

There is something more that makes us an owl at night 

Besides the internet and modern technology, there are other reasons we stay up all night, the street outside is also open till morning. More and more developing cities start to become sleepless cities. Shops, restaurants, bars, and many services offer 24h/7. As we reach these points we can't say staying up all night is bad anymore in my opinion.

Many of us have to work at night for a living the others enjoy the night time activities and that is becoming a normal thing. 

I don't mean to argue with the research that state the best time to sleep is nighttime, but for some us, we just can't sleep. As a quote says " If you can't avoid it face it, fight and do the best " so we could work the best at night so that we can sleep well during the day.

Adapting to become a night worker and daydreamer

The thing I found personally in me is that I need to get some sunlight during the day to make me feel energetic and be in good mood for work at night. So I do have my schedule to get some sunlight at least before the sunset. just like people working daytime be able to see the moonlight at night.

 Don't feel bad for yourself as you working while the others are snoring, because when you're snoring during the day they were working so hard under the sun too. It's a shift like a sun and a moon and it's time for you to work under the moonlight. Enjoy your work because nighttime could be cool and fun.

At last, I could say we all want a great life some people say we can choose the only the people who have been through it know sometimes we cannot choose ourselves. Everyone has a different story with many troubles to deal hope we all could deal with it like a game and enjoy the life we live.

From Good Old Panda,

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  1. Nice article keep writing I'm following you, hope next articles will be better...

    1. Thank you for following I'm going to write in this blog till becoming a very good old panda. I do hope by time I could write much better for my people.


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