I Stop the Excuse that Talent is Needed for Success and Believe that Hard-Working and Practicing is more Important

 I don't know if this trend happens to you as a kid, but it does to me. During my primary school time, I tend to believe that I am born with a natural talent for drawing and music. Most of the time I received compliments on every piece of my drawings and I do write songs at my early age.

My Story about my talents and how I am terrible at it

When I see the other kids' drawings I thought to myself " Yes I really am born with talent! " their drawing looks sloppy their hands shake and the alignment joint was in the wrong way. And look at my drawing this is like a real pro! But... back to the present me now I am still got the level of drawing as I was as those days. I have never drawn a picture in years now and I don't have a feeling that I was born special now as well. I often feel amazed when seeing some great painting that I know I could not paint this beauty. 

As years went by I believe less in natural talent and believe more in practice and hard-working with the love of what we're doing. I still believe I could be a great artist but only if I spend my years learning and practicing my drawing. The point by the end of the day your naturally born talent does not determine that you are going to be great at it. It is great if you find your talent at a young age and stick with that till you become the greatest in the field, but those things happen at less than 5% if not less. Most people ended up with a career they never believe that would become most people never have sharpened their talent as we have been living in a world that needs to supply the big demand and some careers we dream of could not make one's meet the living and the other career we dream of need the qualification that we couldn't acquire in this world of inequality. 

We cannot assure we bring our talent to life but we can still be great at what we're doing

After high school, I continue my study in Information Technology which is the subject at the time encouraged by society, and as a young man, I have no vision no plan for the future I just live the day and follow the trend. I don't say I hate the job I do now I enjoy it working with my dear computer, but I do believe I could be a great artist if I was continuing my study in the subject. And if time goes back I still not be in art because at those times I could not find a good art institute nearby and my parents that support my education would never have thought of a career in art for me considering it is something rare in my local.

Despite all my talk about myself, the point is talent does not determine your success it takes years of failure and practice till one becomes an expert. You could see a great athlete doing the amazing skill, a great musician with the rhythm you love to hear, a great magician doing the mysterious show and say they are born that way with the talent but without failures, without years of practice they would never be this good at what they do. This inspires me to keep developing my skill believing I will achieve great things and stop thinking that I need great talent to be successful.

I believe more in hard-working, practicing, enjoying and the mindset that our job is meaningful is the core element to becoming a specialist at something.

Talent is the children and failures and practices are their parents

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