What is that ringing buzzing hissing sound in the ear even there is no external source of sound?

 I have been hearing this sound for quite long enough before I realized that there is no external source of sound! It is inside my ears even though the atmosphere is silent. At first, I thought that was the sound from some insects until it bothers me more and more I begin to search for it and realized it happened inside my ears.

Getting to know this sound

This is called Tinnitus and it has bothered humans since ancient times. This sound is generated by the central nervous system in our brain. The report state that Tinnitus happens to 1 in 7 people. In simple language Tinnitus could happen when our cells for hearing are damaged which makes our hearing less sensitive and we could not hear some background environment. 

To compensate for that our brain creates an inside background sound to match what we could hear. The problem is that we couldn't really find a silent place as we would focus and hear much of this sound in a quiet environment.

Negative effects of Tinnitus

While researchers could not find severe problems caused by Tinnitus, it is known to make a condition worse for people with Insomnia, and PTSD, and could make us feel bothered and become bad mood. For some people, the sound bothers them a lot that they couldn't think of anything else. This is called bothersome Tinnitus. 

How to overcome Tinnitus the mystery sound in our ears

While there is yet any cure for Tinnitus the most important thing is to help the patient understand this auditory event. Sound therapists could use the sound of rain, waterfall, and music to mask the sound of Tinnitus and reduce the stress. People with Tinnitus are advised to meet the doctors or specialty therapists to counsel for a good solution for each individual. 

In my personal experience, I hear less of this noise when I'm feeling good and away from stress. I have occupied most of the time in my daily routine with work and hobbies until I'm ready for a good night's sleep and I could barely hear the noise.

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