How I Deal with the Problems and Smile by the End of the Day


Often in time we are feeling stressed, and complicated, and couldn't find peace in mind. These feelings have come from different places and situations in our lives and it is inevitable. All of us have to learn to deal with it as we can't be happy and satisfied all the time.

How can we find peace in mind?

Letting go of some of the things that can't be changed, it's over you would regret it but don't let it be there with you for too long, completely let it go and you'll be under less pressure. 

If things are making you sad remind yourself that life is about experiencing many tastes some you like some you don't. Don't compare your life to others because everyone has a different story and don't say it's not fair or not equal the way people get in life because there is no fair or equal in life it just be the way it is. You may work harder but live a struggling life while other doesn't way much but earn 1000 times you earn while the other work harder than you and they really make much more than you. It's no fair no equality no nothing just life the way it goes.

Help your mind and your mind will gift you

There are many ways to help yourself feel better: enjoying your hobby, being occupied, going on vacation, or entertaining yourself. But some of the problems can't be solved by avoiding them they will come back more strong when you avoid them for too long just deal with the problem or if it can't be deal kick it out of the way. Like if a job is keeping you feeling stressed all the time find a solution to it, if there's no other solution there is still a choice, quit the job you don't live for the job that keeps you stressed or if the situation is hard and you can't quit right now just face it and don't stress with it do your best and smile as nothing else you can do. Don't care about it too much as you don't live or die for it. 

Our life is a great invention we can be sad in a good time and can be happy in a bad time. We have the control just most of the time we don't use it.

Find your healing

Different people and different situations need different doing. I enjoy the movies sometimes and the other time I don't feel like watching but I enjoy going out, exercising or music. I found that one activity cannot deal with the different situations all the time but there comes another thing that can deal with it. Sometimes doing sport the sweat makes me feel really great other times I laugh, cry, and smile while watching movies, and the other time I am amazed by the beautiful scenery outside or moving my hip or my head to the rhythm of the music. 

There's a piece of music I'm listening to while writing this. It's the theme of the movie " Cast Away " by Alan Silvestri if I'm not wrong.


Life is a beautiful invention and we can event our story, how would you like your story to be?

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