How Imagination World Help My Health and Bring Color to My Life

 Imagination is a beautiful thing if we can use it for a good thing. We all have wishes and the bad news is that most of the wishes never come true when imagination came to me. I've experienced a lot of failures and a lot of unsatisfying situations, so I create my imagination land sometimes when I feel the need. 

I personally think that creating an imaginary world is good for my mental health as it helps me get through some difficult times on many occasions. 

We can choose realistic and magical imagination

There are many types of imagination sometimes I use it to imagine how things will become better in life in the future which is a bit realistic and other times I imagine something unreal like seeing some magical things, falling in love with my crush, and being together. 

It's not illegal to imagine right? as long as we use it the right way it really helps us because life is already a magical thing every part of us is working to give us a great life and I do believe imagination is a gift that helps our lives as well. 

Imagination helps me smile when I have no reason to smile

Last night I watch a movie called "Splash" from 1984 where a man met a mermaid and fell in love this movie got me to feel fantasized that I haven't had for a while. When I sleep I go into my imaginary world and create a story that I met a real beautiful mermaid it gives me pleasure and I fall asleep. Yes, I have found out that imagination could help me sleep when I couldn't. 

Everything in life can be a great gift if we use them the right way for our lives.

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