5 Bad Habits That Could Destroy Your Motivation to Work

There are a lot of goals you want to achieve, but there are tons of reasons to set you back and stop moving forward. We always dream of achieving our goals in life but take no action as we couldn't get ourselves out of our comfort zone. 

Today we are going to reveal the habits that destroy our motivation and some of them we have never noticed before.

1. Making excuses and pretending that it really is an important excuse

For this, you have your goal set and your to-do list but as always you also find many excuses to skip your tasks and stay in your comfort zone making yourself believe you need this resting time but the fact is that you are procrastinating and giving yourself a reason to be happy with this time-wasting thing. There may be a thousand reasons to not do something but you only need a reason to start doing it now.

The more excuses you make the harder it is to change and it would become your bad habit without you knowing it.

2. Too Detailed and Complicated Plans

Planing is a good thing for your success but too many plans make it complicated for you to choose what to do first and eventually you end up doing nothing as you feel overwhelmed and lose confidence to complete all the daily tasks you have set yourself. This is one of the common traps that many people fall into without realizing it took away your motivation as you're feeling complicated about the tasks at hand.

Too Detailed and complicated plan could become an imagination you make to feel you're moving forward but you never step forward and just look at the plan until you say to yourself " Okay it's too much, so stressing, let's forget about it and planning it better next time ".

That doesn't mean detailed plans are not a good thing the key is " You " just start doing it and keep working on it don't stick your mind too much to the plan it could make you tired before even starting.

3. Your Judgmental assumptions about others

Many people comfort themselves of not achieving anything by creating the assumption that other peoples' success came from luck and their upbringing. You have undervalued other people's success thinking they are just lucky and you just need that luck to accomplish your goals too. 

This bad habit really destroys your motivation and you get yourself back to your comfort zone and you become lazy because you stop believing in hardworking. Don't let it become your habit success does need some luck but luck is not the only way to succeed you find your way. 

Most successful people have committed long hours of hardworking that you never see because people only look at them when they are already built their empire.

4. Criticizing your mistakes and lower your self-confident

When mistakes came you feel bad for yourself and blame yourself for not being a good person to achieve the work that should be done. You discourage yourself and stop believing in yourself making your motivation level go down until you quit and you are afraid to do anything that could lead to mistakes. You lose confidence which makes your ability fall down as well. The thing you could do with ease becomes a difficult task when you love confidence in yourself.

Don't let mistakes win over you, it's great you made these mistakes as you will later know where it came from and you can do things right at the very first time as you went through all the wrong ways already.

5. Staying Still Doing the same thing

When you keep doing the same thing over the exceeding amount of time you then become less attentive to the tasks and your level of motivation goes down as you feel like boring, with nothing new to refresh your mind. The thing is you need some break time to prevent burnout from your daily tasks. 

For example, if you work all day with the computer, staring at the screen and trying to work hard but don't forget to take your eyes out of the screen sometimes and stand up walk around or chat with your colleague could refresh your mind making you excited and get back to work with a good feeling and motivation to finish the tasks with your skill.


These are the Bad 5 Habits that the old panda came through and waste a lot of time with. I will continue to do the research and write more articles for the better living of the human being.

Credit pictures from Pexel

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