7 Foods Before Bed That Can Help You Sleep Better

 Since the beginning of the 21st century, many studies have shown that more and more people are struggling with sleep. Whether because of the environment or the modern technology that keeps us awake all night, we can do something for better sleep.

There are many solutions to solve our sleeping problems like doing exercises during the day, avoiding too many naps during the daytime, meditation, and setting up the environment around before sleep. Another solution is Foods, eating properly can help us sleep better and here I bring on some foods that help us sleep better:

1. Kiwis

Not only that Kiwis contain many vitamin C they have many more benefits, and among that Kiwis can help us sleep faster and stay asleep for longer. They are rich in Serotonin and antioxidants which is a chemical that helps improve sleeping quality. Just a bit of Kiwis before bed and you will feel the result!

2. Almond 

Almond contains high doses of melatonin which is the hormone that regulates our sleep cycle. It is recommended 20-30 grams of almonds which bring enough calcium and magnesium that help relax our muscles and help us sleep better.

3. Fatty Fish

An example of this can be salmon and tuna as high contain high omega-3 fatty acids which regulate serotonin that help organized better sleep. And also contain vitamin D which could help sleep better too.

4. Specific herbal tea

Chamomile immensely helps us feel calmer and less anxious and make us sleepy, on contrary, some herbal tea is for the morning that prevents us from feeling sleepy. 

5. Sweet potato

Sweet potato is recommended to eat before bedtime, the complex carbohydrate helps us feel calm and comfortable. Moreover, they contain potassium which helps relax our muscles for better sleep.

6. Banana

Though they are high in sugar but also banana contains full of beneficial nutrients like vitamin B6, magnesium, and potassium which together help us feel sleepy quickly and reduce the level of anxiety.

7. Pistachio nuts

Pistachio is considered to promote better sleep as they contain full of ingredients to help our sleep cycle including protein, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Around 20 to 30 grams is enough before bed.

I hope this article can help you for a night of better sleep. We're having the same problem I guess as I am the old panda that couldn't sleep most nights. I do research and apply it to my routine and I can sleep better. I do exercise in the evening after work I eat some of the mentioned food above and it really helps.

See you in the next Better Living Article on the blog. Have a good day and a goodnight's sleep my friend!  

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