9 Best Natural Ways to Boost Dopamine Level and Be Happier


Are you easily get distracted, complicated feelings, and find it hard to be concentrated? If the answer is yes then there is a good chance that your dopamine levels drop really low and unstable.

Dopamine is the chemical that affects our mood, focus, energy, and behavior. Low levels of dopamine cause an imbalance in our mood and daily life. There are many things that reduce the level of dopamine like depression, obesity, and some medical conditions. However, there are also many ways to increase the dopamine level as well. And today we are talking about the natural ways to boost this happy hormone.

1. Intake more Magnesium

Studies show that Magnesium is an essential mineral that could boost dopamine levels and help us stay focused and motivated. Unfortunately, many people don't get enough amount of this mineral. 

Foods that contain Magnesium are the like of spinach, pumpkin seeds, avocado, almond and dark chocolate, and many other green leaf vegetables. Try increasing this kind of food and decreasing processed and junk food to see the result.

2. Decreasing sugar intake

Often time when we feel anxious our brain thinks about eating something sweet that could make us happier. It does help but for a short temporary time and we will get back to anxiety. Reducing the amount of sugar intake can help our body produce dopamine at the normal stage which is a stable way to stay focused.

3. Doing Exercises and Sports

Exercises and sports help you stay healthy and fit. It also boosts the level of dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin that make you feel better. Exercises and Sports help release the tension and stress as well. For a better result that some action outside during the early morning or late afternoon to get some sunlight that increases dopamine and vitamin D production.

4. Listening to Music

Listening to the good sound you enjoy releases dopamine in the brain and transmit pleasure signal to the rest of your body. Help your ears to receive good sounds like you have yourself to eat the good foods. Every part of the body can have an impact on each other. Make a good playlist of your favorite music that you experienced to help boost your mood to the good.

5. Massage and comfortable touches

Massage therapy has been found to increase the levels of dopamine by 30%, increasing oxytocin and stimulating the vagus nerve. It helps our body feel relaxed and comfortable and decreases the stress level. Not only massage some warm hug and touches from your favorite person can help a lot too.

6. Cold Shower

Studies found that taking a cold shower of about 15 Degrees Celsius or 57 Degrees Fahrenheit can raise dopamine levels by 250%. You don't have to stay long there just a minute of a cold shower and see how it feels and adjust the amount of time at your convenient.

7. Take some time to enjoy what you love doing

Playing sports, Painting, Playing Music, or doing anything you enjoy helps you focus and enter a psychological state called flow. In this state, your brain produces dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, and anandamide, these chemicals increase your focus, enjoyment, and motivation.

8. Meditation

Meditation is another great way to increase the production of dopamine as well. Moreover, it reduces anxiety and stress levels by up to 50%. Try having some time in silence and do meditation, it is a good habit if you enjoy it.

9. Get More Sleep Duration and Better Sleep Hygiene

Dopamine level and sleep are closely related together, the lack of sleep has a negative effect on your mood and productivity. A goodnight's sleep will increase dopamine production and help you stay focused and motivated during the day.

It is important to practice good sleeping hygiene including keeping the room dark and quiet, putting the electronic devices away, and making your bed a comfortable place to sleep. 

I hope this article could help you a lot as I spend a lot of time researching and writing this article. So besides reading please take action because I went through anxiety lots of the time, I know how bad it feels, and applied these methods that work for me and for you I hope.

See you in the next good article from GoodOldPanda!

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