Hair Replacement System Pros and Cons That You Should Know

Before starting to dig into this I first want to tell you that I am bald, and Bald is not Bad. Being bald is not something illegal and you don't have to feel guilty about it. I know the feeling but we should learn to accept the reality.

My hairs keep falling and most of the time feel itchy on the top of my head. I do care for and clean my hair more than many people do but there are a lot of reasons for hair loss which I talk on another post. As you read this we may have the same issue, if we can choose to have healthy hair we wouldn't want to be bald right? 

Quick Solutions to bald head

As I said Bald is not Bad, but having thick healthy hair is better. There are many solutions these days to hair loss and I talk a lot about them in this blog you can check out. Today I want to talk about just one of the solutions to bald hair that help you have a thick hair quick and it's the Hair Replacement System. 

Getting your hair back can boost your confidence in going out and meeting people and you would feel better about yourself. If not for others it's for you to feel good about your look and feel motivated. 

If having wigged hair can solve the solution as quick why don't bald people go for it? That is what I want to talk about and below are the pros and cons of having a Hair Replacement System for men.

The Pros and Cons of Hair Replacement for men

Here is a video about the Hair Replacement System process, it's convenient and quick with good quality if you meet the right hairdresser. I am not an affiliate for this video I just find this video short and to the point. Without further ado let's get started on the pros and cons of having a hair replacement system: 

1. Maintenance Problems of Hair Replacement

It is inevitable that you have to spend more time maintaining your hair, it will be another responsibility in your life. If you are not prepared or not okay with this new responsibility you should not consider having a hair replacement system yet. 

The pro here is that it is doable it's just a few more hours in a month to take care of your hair compared to having your natural hair. So if you really want to change your look you probably wouldn't mind spending some more time on this.

2. The Cost of Hair Replacement System

I want to be clear and tell you exactly how much it cost, but a hair replacement system's cost differs from place to place and the quality and the service can be much different. But I can tell it is a reasonable price if you really want it.

The cost is another problem with the hair replacement systems for men. I've met many guys saying wigged hair is expensive and not many places would have that service so they also worry about the quality and continuing cost of maintenance.

Here I would say it is not a really big deal if you really want to enhance your look you would think it's that expensive. It cost more if you do hair plants or some healing medication. Many men are willing to spend much more because they want their natural hair so I guess the cost is not a big deal as a hair replacement system would cost much cheaper.

3. Lifestyle after having a Hair Replacement

You would be concerned that it will be problematic to do many activities in your life. Your daily activities might require a lot of action, and you may worry about the wind and the rain. What if the hair suddenly falls down? 

It is not falling off that Easily! It doesn't affect the daily activities you can ride a motorbike and full speed, you can enjoy the wind and you can swim too. So you don't have to worry about your daily activities the hair just sticks so hard even if you try to pull it off you would have a hard time doing it.

4. Sanitizing, Sweating, and Cleansing of Wigged Hair

You are going to sweat on your head and it's going to be there for a while so you have to bear with it. You need some extra work cleaning the hair in the right ways.

Most men have this problem in the first couple of weeks but they will get used to it and live with it. You can detach the hair and clean your head if you feel uncomfortable. Everything is not perfect and we don't need to expect it to be perfect. If you need the hair for your self-confidence or for any reason you have a sacrifice your time and afford to care about it. 

5. Inside a mind of People with wigged hair

What if my friends and other people around know I wear wigged hair? What are they thinking about me? The problem is in your own thinking, caring about other people's assumptions just makes things worst. You should know that you have hair replacement for your own happiness and self-confidence. So what's the point to overthink and get yourself to feel uncomfortable?  

As long as they don't pay for your hair replacement you don't have to worry about what they think of you. If you do a thing that makes you happy and it's a legal thing you don't need to care about the critics and they should feel shame for themselves when they know you never care about what they think about you. 

Last words from a Bald man

Everyone has the right to make themselves look better. People follow the trends add this and that, put on thick makeup, or even do surgery to look the way they want. So adding a hair to your head is a normal thing to do right?

So that's the 5 Cons of Hair Replacement for men with the positive pros. I might be biased on being more positive but that's alright as I want to be positive than negative and it's really a positive thing. I do update the post if I find anything new meanwhile you can check for other related posts in this blog.

Have a great day! 

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