Healthy Habits That Are Easy and Simple to Do for a Better Life


Hi, welcome to another Better Living series from the Old Panda. Today I am going to share about the daily habits for a healthier and happier you. The small simple habits that affect the big part of your life. The little things that we repeatedly do are not small they take a lot of time combined and become a big part of daily life.

Let's think a little bit about your daily habits, are those habits help you become a better version of yourself or it's just time-wasting habits that you repeat every day? So without further ado let's get started here are the 7 healthy habits you can do to improve your well-being:

1. Start the day with the Intention to Achieve something

You should have some intention in mind each day of what you are going to achieve. It's like a compass guiding you in the right direction or you may just time-wasting your day and don't know where to start. A clear plan is not enough you need to go in the right direction knowing what you need to do to achieve the plan. 

Ask yourself each morning what are you going to do today which is the right direction to achieving your goal? 

Take me as an example I want to publish 200 beneficial articles by the end of the year, that is where I want to be. So in the morning I wake and think about the goal I know I need to write 1 article each day or the other to achieve my plan this year. Having the intention and direction I just need to follow and don't waste my time thinking about what to do today.

2. Level up your Hydration to get energy for the day

Stay hydrated and drink a lot of water, this simple habit is under-rated by many people, and by not doing it you found yourself less motivated and difficult to start the day as your body doesn't get energy from water to get to work. You should take a sip of water by now as your body needs to be hydrated. 

To start the day I like to have a half glass of water followed by a glass of warm water as it helps the digestive system better than the cold water. Again it's about each peoples' preference to enjoy it, I like to add lemon or honey to the warm water for a vitamin C boost. 

Not only in the morning you need to stay hydrated all day, or you'll be less productive and don't know the reason why. Remind yourself to drink often because your body needs water more often than food. You can alternatively drink some juice, or coconut water or add some nutrients to the water to stay hydrated during the day.

3. Don't stay still move your body the way you enjoy it

For years I have been pushing myself to stick with the workout plan, but I couldn't quite follow up. Later I realized I would sweat much better doing the exercise I enjoy. When I push myself it's really hard and feels like a long time for 30 minutes of exercise. But when I play football or jogging 1 hour skipped by very fast than I thought. 

So if you're struggling with your exercise plan try finding some other movement that you enjoy like doing yoga, dancing, skiing, or just changing different types of workout postures. And my second tip for that is adding some background music, it helps me a lot when I do the exercise with background music and I enjoy I feel more motivated and have more fun with it.

I described this long and what is the benefit of this habit by moving yourself. The benefit of doing exercises I think I don't need to describe more as you already read and heard a lot already. The point I do exercise with fun and passion so that you can be motivated by it.

4. Grow the habits of not being obsessed with your smartphones

I don't mean to say Smart Devices are bad I just want to emphasize that we need to take some time off and be with ourselves and have peace in our minds. As we need to be with the technology devices all day for work and interact with the people we care about, we also need sometimes on our own. 

This habit can relax your body and mind greatly. Taking some time for a walk outside, doing meditation, or sitting and reflecting on some good things can improve our mental well-being overall.

5. Eating is a habit so Eat something you Enjoy and is Good for Your Health

This is really important I don't like to repeat words but a quote says " You are what you eat "doesn't mean we become a banana or something. It doesn't make you look like the food but the food you eat has a big impact on your day if you don't feel well after eating your day is going to get ruined.

Try developing a habit of eating healthy food in the way you enjoy. There are a lot of foods to choose I bet you will find many healthy foods that you enjoy eating. A tip is to create a list of your favorite healthy food (and recipes) and have pictures of the food so after seeing it you can tell what you'd love to eat.

6. Being Gratitude and Positive 

Imagine waking up every morning with the feeling of Gratitude and a Positive vibe, this habit can really create a great mood for you to start the day and enjoy every minute of your day. 

Try implementing this habit not only in the morning but all day long every day. You may encounter something bad but there is always a reason to be Gratitude whether things going good or bad.

7. Do Something That Could Bring Joy to Your Life

Life should be fun and we should be able to control our lives. Don't get trapped in doing the wrong thing we hate every day, find a moment for you to enjoy the life that you deserve. Make a list of things you find that can make your life more beautiful and get back to them often when you feel stressed or disappointed.

It doesn't take something immense it can be something really small that can make your life better. It's not guilty to follow your dream for a good life. I often think and write down what I want to do, what makes me happy, and chase it I don't feel guilty about chasing my dream. Even if we couldn't achieve it, living the moment with hope is more excited than doing nothing.

I know you have many more great habits for a better life you can share experiences in the comment, I would love to hear. I also wrote about bad habits to avoid in this blog here's 5 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Motivation

Enjoy your day and don't forget to check my other articles for a Better Living!

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