The Main Causes and Effective Solutions to Different Types of Dark Circle Under the Eyes

I called myself a Panda because besides a big belly I used to have I also had dark circles under the eyes. Today's article is all about different types of dark circles, what are the main causes, and how to prevent and eliminate the dark circles under the eyes.

There are many different types of dark circles caused by the different lifestyles you are in and the color of dark circles under the eyes is different depending on the condition you have. And we are going to discuss the cause and the effective way to remove the dark circle under the eyes below:

1. Bluish Dark Circle Under the Eyes

This type of dark circle causes by the lack of sleep, a stressful lifestyle, and you may have allergies, and a stuffy nose. Your lifestyle has a big responsibility for these bluish dark circles.

The Solution to Bluish Dark Circle

The Solution is " Get Enough Sleep! " Sleep is very important for dark circle care and moreover your skincare. You need to sleep well and properly make sure you don't pressure the eyes when sleeping, take off contact lenses and remove makeup before going to bed.

Another important thing to care about is to try not to look into your phone closely in the dark before sleep. Finish your things and put the cellphone away before closing the light and enjoy the night's sleep.

Apart from Sleeping Hygiene, the other tip is to never rub your eyes because the skin under the eyes is very thin and when you rub it could worsen the pigmentation and redden the eyes area. 

Try to avoid it as you possibly can if your eyes feel itchy use the eye drops or fan them a little bit. If you still get avoid rubbing it you should use a mild soothing cream on your hands and rub it gently like massaging your eyes.

2. Brownish Color Dark Circle Under the Eyes

The reason for Brownish Dark Eye Circle is aging genetic factors, blood vessels, and thinning of the under-eye area. Sun-damaged also gives hyperpigmentation under the eyes that cause brown or black circles under your eyes.

The Solution to Brownish Dark Circle

Try to apply SPF (Sun Protection Factor) underneath the eyes because the biggest reason for dark circles is that the skin gets damaged due to the UV rays. 

Be careful as the skin under the eyes is so thin try not to use a heavy type of sunscreen or something that dry the area. Using Vitamin C care for your under eyes add 2-3 drops of vitamin C on your finger and gently massage the area.

3. Purple Color of Dark Circle Under Eyes

This type mostly affected by aging and genetics. The purple you see is your blood vessels as we get older the skin gets thinner making our blood vessels to be more apparent.

Solution to Purple Dark Circle

Apply blue drops with the ingredient peptide and EGF will help fade the wrinkles and boost collagen synthesis. Try to avoid hot sunlight, have a good lifestyle, and get enough sleep!

Men tend to care less about dark circles while women who care the most are also at the highest risk of dark circles under their eyes. There is a lot of makeup on them that could harm the under eyes area. The under eyes skin is very thin so it's important to treat them really carefully and properly. Those thick makeup could make the skin under the eyes get tiresome causing even more dark circles.

You've read this to the end meaning you really care and love yourself, I hope this help and I'm going to write a lot more self-care contents which you can check in this blog and we'll meet again!

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