How to Write a Good Blog Post Every Single Day for The Rest of Your Life

Writing a blog post sounds easy but it is actually really difficult, it's time-consuming and requires a lot of energy and motivation. How about writing a good blog post and keep writing it every single day? It's extremely difficult!

To write a good blog post every single you need to become a full-time blogger and earn from your blog to support you financially so you have less worry and be motivated to write daily.

I have thought about this for almost a decade trying every way to convince myself to write at least 1 blog article every day. At first, it sounded easy I wrote consistently for a few days, and then one day come I was busy and could write that's when the last article was published. I gave up that idea and turn on lazy mode again. 

7 Straight Steps to Write 1 Blog Post Every Single Day

Writing a good blog post every single day is a really big challenge for most bloggers. This habit requires a lot of self-discipline and motivation. It is way much harder than anyone could think of.

To make things short and to the point, I have written down simple steps to reach 1000 blog posts:
  1. Plan ahead: do research and create a list of articles to write so you know what to write about whenever you have the time
  2. Invest your time: cut down on unnecessary tasks and add 1 to 2 hours daily for blogging you need to be sure you want to write more than do that other tasks
  3. Read a lot: Try to read and research more on the topic you write about, when you know more you can write more and better
  4. Don't try to be perfect: just write the best you can and keep on writing, don't try to spend hours perfecting your article or you won't be able to hit the publish button
  5. Don't get obsessed with traffic: The main purpose is to write 1000 articles and see the result after that so you write just a few articles and hope tons of people will come you will lose motivation if you are obsessed with website traffic at this stage
  6. Enjoy your writing: write about the thing you are passionate don't just push yourself to write the topic you have no passion for it will make you get burnout easily
  7. Know that writing is worth your time: whether you write for income or passion you should be clear that the time is well spent when you write and don't feel that you waste the time if you don't succeed because the process is worth the work

What are the reasons to write a blog article every single day?

Ask this question to yourself because to have the energy to do anything, you need to know the reasons why you are doing it and why you will spend hours every day doing that. Since you want to do this you sure have your reasons and expectations. But knowing that in the first place is not enough you need to remind yourself or your motivation will fade away very soon. 

For the purpose of this article here are my reasons to write a blog article every day.

1. To accomplish my milestone of reaching 1000 helpful articles

I started to blog because I like to write and I want to write helpful content on the web. But after a decade of blogging, I have written only a few hundred short blog articles. I see no success and I feel what I write is not reaching people and maybe they are not really helpful. 

So after a decade of blogging, I set a goal for this blog that I will write the best possible helpful articles and I will consistently write until I reach 1000 blog articles and beyond. 

2. To overcome my procrastination and feel satisfied

I am the kind of person who most of the time find excuses to stay in my comfort zone, I don't want to pressure myself but sometimes this leads to me doing nothing useful all day long. I want to win myself over my procrastination so I decide to just do it and stop wasting my time scrolling on my phone. 

Besides that, I set the plan to write 1000 helpful blog articles to satisfy myself because I find myself most nights laying in bed feeling unsatisfied with my day. I would feel really satisfied and competent any day I do something useful and any day that I publish a good article I lay in bed smiling and happy with my progress. 

3. To see for myself what really happens after I get 1000 blog articles

I have been searching on the internet for terms like " What happens if you have 1000 blog articles? " and " Result of writing a blog post every day for 2 years"  but I couldn't quite get a straight answer to my question. I want to know if the blog can grow well if so how big the impact. 

I think quantity should come with quality so I decided to challenge myself to write 1000 helpful blog articles as quick as I possibly can. I decide to work extra time on this plan because I want to feel it of owning a big blog with thousands of great content!

I've been following Jim Harmer (a founder of Income School) and I was so inspired by one of his videos in which he suggests writing 1 blog post every single day for the next 2 years and he said he can't imagine a blog with 700 helpful posts that are not succeeding. 

I have been blogging for 10 years but seeing no success, so I desperately want to do this I say "Yes! I will cut off time on Social Media and start writing I'm going to have a blog with 1000 articles as soon as I can" and I will share my experience along the way and the result after achieving this big goal. 

How to stay motivated to write blog articles every day

Motivation is an important thing for any blogger. A lot of the time you feel motivated and start hitting the keyboard even though it is late at night and the other days you have no motivation and the blog just freeze there. So the bloggers need to find a way to keep their passion and motivation alive.

Here are some of my tips to stay motivated

1. A blogger's job is to write blog posts

Think about yourself as a lifetime blogger if you decide to be a blogger there is no way denying to write articles. So as it is inevitable there are no excuses for not doing it. And if you decided to be a blogger then be a good blogger. Just like any sport that needs practicing, a blogger needs to write to get better at it.

2. Think as if you've already written 1000 articles

Imagine yourself from the future with your blog with thousands of articles and lots of readers, if you are really desperate to get that you need to start from today. As a Chinese quote says " The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago and the second best time is today " So if you don't start today how much time do you have for wasting?

If you have read till this end you are surely a passionate blogger, I'm sure you will do really great in your blogging career. So let's do this together join me in writing the very first 1000 blog articles. I'm sure we'll feel really great finishing this goal and after this 1000 blog posts we will be able to write more easily.

Wish you all the best in your blogging career!

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