Overview of HSK Mandarin Course: Levels and Expectations from HSK1-6

Today more and more people from many parts of the world are learning Mandarin Chinese as this language with the most speakers in the world seems to have a very bright future ahead. 

The most common Mandarin Course Book for English speakers is the HSK Course which is designed to help the learners pass the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test of Standard Chinese Language proficiency for non-native speakers.

Currently, there are 6 levels of HSK, and every level up brings a lot more challenges and improvement. HSK1 has the most learners and the number of learners decreases each level up. The winners are those who never give up and be able to reach HSK5 or complete HSK6!

What level of HSK is considered fluent?

There are 6 level course books from HSK1-HSK6 and most learners are able to use common Mandarin for daily life after finishing HSK4. In many languages, 1000 words are required to be able to use the language for daily life in common situations. And by completing HSK4 you're estimated to know about 1200 words of Mandarin Chinese which is the point where you see yourself as an understander of Mandarin.

Mandarin Chinese words you are expected to know per HSK level

Here are the expected Mandarin words you should know by each HSK level: 
  • HSK1 150 words: Beginner level of Chinese this is where you feel you have learned a lot and know many basic words in Mandarin
  • HSK2 300 words: You can describe and understand some common phrases in Mandarin and be able to say something to communicate 
  • HSK3 600 words: Can understand and able to use Mandarin for regular encounters, work, and leisure. 
  • HSK4 1200 words: Intermediate level, by now you can understand complex Chinese and interact fluently in Mandarin Chinese.
  • HSK5 2500 words: Being able to use Mandarin for Professional and Business purposes. Able to read Chinese books and understand Mandarin shows.
  • HSK6 5000 words: Completing HSK6 you can understand with ease almost everything you hear and read. You can handle the most complex situations and be confident in yourself as you can use Mandarin for every aspect as you wish.

I think most of you reading this article here are planning or being in HSK1 Course. If so you should also read my beginners' guide to learning Mandarin here:

7 Best Youtube Channels for HSK1 Students

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