Monetizing and Making Money for Youtube Creators in Cambodia

There is a great number of Cambodian people actively every day on Youtube. People in Cambodia spend much of their time on this video platform and they are listed among the most active users on Youtube. 

And here are the answers to your questions about monetizing and making money on Youtube targeting Cambodian viewers.

Do Cambodian people active on Youtube?

Cambodian people are among the most active users on Youtube. It is safe to say that 99% of smartphones user in Cambodia have a Youtube app installed and are very active on this video platform.

It is sad to say that many Cambodian people don't like to read and they prefer to watch videos instead, they would prefer to listen to audiobooks instead of reading. That's why everything is going to Youtube. 

Whether in free time or at work (unoccupied) people would turn on their Youtube to watch and listen to every new interesting video they can find.

Is Cambodia Eligible for Youtube Partner Programme?

So far Cambodia is not an eligible country in the YPP (Youtube Partner's program), but there are rumors that the country will soon be listed in this program.

Can a Cambodian Youtube Channel get Monetizatized on Youtube?

A Cambodian Channel can be monetized if they have its base in an eligible country. Some Cambodian Youtuber lives in Thailand or another neighboring country which allows them to be eligible for the YPP. Some of them change the base country to get monetized.

As of 2022 a Youtube Channel base in Cambodia is not eligible to join the Youtube Partner's Program. But there is a good sign that Cambodia will become an eligible country on Youtube in the near future.

Why there isn't any revenue coming from Cambodian viewers on Youtube?

From late 2021 to August 2022 the ads on Youtube have stopped appearing to Cambodian viewers. During that time the viewers were happy watching their favorite channels without having to skip an ad. And this resulted in many Youtuber from Cambodia discourage to create more videos and that's when the viewers donated to the creator and hoped to see the ads back. 

Do Youtube ads show again in Cambodia?

Youtube ads started showing again in Cambodia around the 18th of August 2022. All the Youtube Creators in Cambodia smiled and get back to producing more awesome content with courage again.

It's one of the biggest good news among video creators in Cambodia.

Which is the most subscribed Youtube Channel in Cambodia?

So far as we can confirm Raksmey Hang Meas is the most subscribed channel in Cambodia. The channel is owned by a Music Company under the same name which has operated in the country for decades. Raksmey Hang Meas's Youtube channel is mainly focused on music in Khmer.

Is Cambodian audiences a good target on Youtube?

The Cambodian audience is a good target on Youtube as the people spend the most possible time on the platform. Not only Youtube channels in the Khmer language we also have seen many English-speaking channels mainly focusing on Cambodian audiences. 

In terms of revenue, it is still very low in rpm from Cambodian viewers, but you would get a ton of views from Cambodia and they are a really engaging audience. We've seen a lot of cases where the channel targeting the Cambodian population can grow really fast.

Even though the revenue from Cambodian viewers is low, they are still really good at targeting geography because there is a great possibility that the revenue from Cambodian viewers will rise up as the country is developing as quick as well.

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